@article{mwt2022covertapa, title = "Covert Discrimination and Self-promotion", author = "Matthew W. Thomas", journal = "Working Paper", year = "2022" } @article{mwt2022herdingotc, title = "Free-Riding and Herding in OTC Markets", author = "Maria Betto and Matthew W. Thomas", journal = "Working Paper", year = "2022" } @article{mwt2024spilloverapa, title = "Asymmetric All-Pay Auctions with Spillovers", author = "Maria Betto and Matthew W. Thomas", journal = "Theoretical Economics", volume = "19", number = "1", pages = "169--206", year = "2024" } @article{mwt2023regwageshours, title = "Regulation of Wages and Hours", author = "Matthew W. Thomas", journal = "Working Paper", year = "2023" } @article{mwt2024choiceassess, title = "Choice over Assessments", author = "Maria Betto and Matthew W. Thomas", journal = "Working Paper", year = "2024" } @article{mwt2024anocon, title = "Contest Design with Interim Types", author = "Matthew W. Thomas", journal = "Working Paper", year = "2024" }